Truck Accident Lawyer

Procedures To Follow After A Truck Accident In California

Truck Accident Attorney
Truck Accident Lawyer
Truck Accident Lawyer

A truck accident can cause serious injuries to you or your loved ones. Most of the time, the accident happens due to the negligence of the truck driver. If that is the case, you can file a truck accident injury claim. For that, you should follow these procedures that will help your injury claim.

Check Yourself For Injuries

The first thing you should do when you are involved in a truck accident is to check for injuries on your body. Injuries can be internal also. If you feel uneasiness, immediately seek medical attention.

Call The Police

If you are 100 % sure that your injuries from the truck accident are not so severe, you should call the police before you go to a hospital. When you call 911, make sure to give all the necessary details of the accident, such as the number of people involved in the accident and the exact place where the accident happened.  The police will make a report of the accident, which is an essential document for your truck accident claim.

Seek Medical Care

Even if you are not seriously injured in the truck accident, you should seek immediate medical attention. This is mainly because of two reasons. One, you might have suffered from injuries that do not show any immediate symptoms. Two, failure to seek medical attention immediately can be seen as your injuries are not serious and this will negatively affect your truck accident claim. Also, the medical bills are important documentation for your claim.

Take Picture And Videos

This is what most people forget to do after a truck accident. If your are uninjured after the accident and if you are not on a busy highway, you should take pictures and videos of the accident scene and make sure to get the license plate of the truck in the pictures and videos.

Get Your Car Appraised

Even though the damage on your car might appear minor, there could be some serious internal damages that is not visible without a proper examination. Before you take your car to a body shop, you should wait until the insurance company evaluates the damage. The repair estimate is an important part of your insurance claim.

Hire A Truck Accident Lawyer

You should get a truck accident lawyer involved in the case as soon as possible. This is very important because most people might not be able to follow all the legal proceedings of the truck accident injury claim. Also, a truck accident attorney will help you to get your full settlement amount.

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