How Does Inadequate Training Cause Truck Accidents

Truck Accident Law
Truck Accident Lawyer
Truck Accident Laws

The job of a truck driver is very difficult and dangerous when compared to the drivers of other vehicles. They have to be extra sensitive in fulfilling their duties. The vehicles they regulate are heavy and can be very dangerous if it meets with an accident on the road. If the trucks are carrying some goods in them, the accident can turn out to be more dangerous. It is the liability of the trucking company and the truck drivers to ensure that they provide reasonable care in executing their duties.

There are several important steps to be taken to ensure the safety of a truck. Proper execution of these safety principles can help reduce the number of truck accidents happening in the country. One important way to put a check upon the number of truck accidents is to ensure that the drivers who operate the trucks are properly trained, experienced, and capable enough to handle the vehicle on the road.

Truck Accident Statistics

The truck accident statistics in the United States are shocking. It is estimated that over 5000 deaths happen due to truck accidents in the country every year. Also over 100, 000 people are injured in these accidents. Studies say that around 27 percent of truck accidents that happen on the American roads is because of the lack of sufficient training of the truck drivers. For this reason, it is very important to ensure that truck drivers are trained properly.

Shortage of Drivers

The transportation industry in the United States is very vast and demanding. There is a high need for transportation of goods from one place to another within the country. However, several times the number of truck drivers is very less when compared to the demand for transportation. This lack of the number of drivers for commercial vehicles affects different businesses very deeply.

Due to the lack of truck drivers, it is often a practice to recruit new drivers who are not properly trained to handle and to drive the heavy trucks and trailers. This is done to ascertain that the goods are delivered to the respective locations on time. Most of these new drivers will be young men who are not trained and equipped for long-run journeys. Their lack of training will be reflected in the work that they do. They will not be properly prepared for long distances and will not know how to tackle the problems that they may face during the journey.

It can be seen that many of the trucking companies go wrong in recruiting new drivers. This is one of the main reasons for truck accidents happening on American roads.

The Need of Proper Training

The CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) is an important requirement to drive a commercial truck or a big vehicle. It is very important to understand that the truck driver has the necessary knowledge to drive a large vehicle.

However, having the Commercial Driver License is not enough to ensure the proper training to drive a truck. The truck drivers must also participate in an educational program to gain the skill. However, the sad part of the story is that many of these training centers do not provide the kind of training, which is appropriate and needed for the drivers. In many instances, the period of the training is also very short and not enough for the drivers to be equipped properly.

It can also be observed that many of these training schools conduct the training only in the classrooms, which will be limited to the vocal class, paper works, written tests, and reading. There are a few schools, which send a passenger along with the truck driver on some initial journeys.

Many drivers feel the inadequacy of training in their initial journeys. Nevertheless, they are helpless, and they continue to do their work with the inadequate training they have received.

Importance of Adequate Training

Since the trainees spend only one week or so in the classrooms, they will find it difficult to remember and practice the things they have learned. After the classroom training, starts the practical training. During this time, the new drivers learn how to control their vehicle, the indications of the warning lights, the federal regulations binding on the vehicle, the inspection of the vehicle, etc.

After this training, the new drivers are directly recruited to the work. Many trucking companies will take these new drivers if they are lacking in the number of drivers needed. There are only some companies, which hire experienced drivers for the job. Some companies may also offer a passenger to ride along with the driver at first.

Results of Improper Training

Truck accidents can occur due to several reasons. Lack of experience and training, when combined with the high-speed journey of the large vehicle, becomes the cause of disasters on the road. If the truck is traveling at a very high speed, it will take some time for it to stop even after applying the brakes. Therefore, there is a high chance for several vehicles to be involved in a truck crash.

If you or your dear one was injured in a truck crash, seek the help of a truck accident lawyer to get the compensation for the same.

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