Truck Accidents and Insurance Companies

Truck Accident Lawyers
Truck Accident Attorney
Truck Accident Insurance

Truck accidents have become a common issue these days, especially in California since the city boast a number of interstate roads. Needless to mention, the result of an accident that involves a truck and any other passenger vehicle will be catastrophic. However, the intensity of injuries is likely to depend on the size of the truck and the type of cargo it is transporting. Both the passengers in the trucks and the smaller vehicles are likely to get severely injured in such cases. In fact, most truck accident cases result in the death of some victims.

Usually, the truck drivers will be held liable for the accident and will have to pay a huge compensation as a penalty. The amount of compensation is determined based on the ability of the truck accident attorney of the opposite party, the severity of the injuries, and the economic and non-economic losses suffered by the victims. However, if the truck drivers have a sound knowledge regarding how appropriate insurance coverage can help them in such situations, they can easily overcome these legal financial obligations.

Now, some people will be wondering whether truck insurance and personal auto insurance works the same way. The answer is both yes and no. In both cases, the insurers will get financial coverage when it comes to post-accident expenses. In the case of trucking companies and truckers, the insurance coverage will be helpful to defend their business interests as well. This includes collision liability and defending the liability of the companies whose cargos the trucks were transporting.

There are numerous types of truck insurance policies and one must choose the one that is ideal to meet their necessities. The best option, in this case, is to consult a credible truck wreck lawyer and seek suggestions. Furthermore, most of the truck insurance policies provide coverage for the following things.

  • Primary auto liability; this will protect the truck driver, employer or the company if a third party is involved in the truck crash
  • Physical damage coverage for the trailer and rig
  • General liability coverage; this includes financial coverage for business conflicts that do not involve a truck crash. For instance, a loss from delivery delays, contractual disputes, etc.
  • Cargo coverage for the goods a truck is transporting
  • Non-trucking liability coverage to defend incidents when a trucker fails to complete the assignment
  • Terminal or warehouse coverage for issues related to goods or cargos stored at holding facilities

Unlike other road accidents, the chances for the opposite party to be held liable for the accident are also high when it comes to a truck crash. Usually, the trucking company or driver may highlight issues such as inability to see the small vehicle on the side mirrors, weather conditions, rollover, jackknifing, brake failures, road condition, reckless driving of passenger car vehicles, etc., for this. Still, it is better for the truckers to purchase costly insurance coverage for safety.

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